Thursday, April 5, 2012


Welcome to the!

The purpose of this network is to provide ready to use info on how to improve your health and wellness.

The topics of fitness, nutrition, personal development, natural therapies and children’s health are addressed in this site and throughout the blogs that are part of THLNetwork.

The main goal was for me to share advises and tips that have been validated by research (or at the least carry strong common sense), and that you can safely and effectively put into action.

According to Lev Grossman, Time’s technology author, the evolution of the web will not be about providing more information – there’s no shortage of that! – it will consist of filtering and organizing knowledge to make it relevant and practical.

THLNetwork’s aim is to synthesize quality information on the topics you want to learn about. I hope that you will enjoy learning with us.

Make sure to participate by leaving comments, signing up to our mailing list, and  joining my Facebook page. To send an email, visit the contact page.

Hope you enjoy it!

Dr. Hammour